Thursday, September 16, 2010

Let the fiestas begin: Chile's bicentennial!

Today, exactly one week into our grand adventure, Sara and I awoke to the roaring sound of canons and F-16s flying overhead. No, Chile is not being invaded but rather is preparing for the biggest party of the year: September 18, Chile's independence day! Traditionally las días de patrias (heritage days?) are celebrated for at least 4 days with parties and patriotism. This year, Chileans celebrate 200 years of Chilean independence only 7 months after the nation was rocked by one of its biggest earthquakes in history. While I have never been here for this holiday,  I am told that there is an even stronger sense of patriotism and solidarity this September as people try to move forward from a particularly difficult year. So far I have been fascinated by the abundance of Chilean flags that fly from almost every house, taxi, micro (bus), and through the streets and also all the navy ships parading up and down the Valpo and Viña del Mar coastline.

Since our first official asado (barbecue) for the holiday isn't until tomorrow, I'm going to save more details for the next post. For now, I just want to let everyone know that we have been having a fantastic and relaxing time here in Valpo. Our friends have been so welcoming and kind - housing us in their apartment (that has an amazing view of the ocean), cooking us delicious food, and generally showing us a good time. We have also spent some more time with my host family who never fails to so warmly welcome me (and my friends) into their home. Sunday and Monday I took Sara around the hills of scenic Valparaíso and I am pretty sure she fell as much in love with the city as I am :) 

We also tried some delicious (and ridiculously fatty) foods on our outings. The dish pictured below is a traditional Valpo dish called Chorrillana - french fries, onions, eggs, and beef - which we ate at the famous J Cruz (pronounced "jota cruz") restaurant in the heart of old Valparaíso. Not pictured, is the classic Chilean completo, a hot dog topped with mayonnaise, avocado, tomatoes, and sometimes onion. I've often wondered why the completo hasn't made it to the food cart scene of Portland...hmmm. 

Gut-busting Chilean dishes aside, we can't wait to attend the numerous fiestas this weekend and are thoroughly enjoying our time here! 

One final note for today, while news of the bicentennial, February's earthquake, and the 33 trapped miners dominates both local and international news of Chile,  I would like to share an article about another issue that I find equally important!

¡Feliz cumpleaños, Chile!

View from our friend's apartment with one of many Navy boats in the background.

P.S. For those who aren't on facebook you can look at all my pictures here!

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