Friday, September 24, 2010


Hola amigos, today we are posting from the town of Puerto Varas, a beautiful but woefully toursity town in southern Chile. We have spent the past few days seeing the countryside of this region with a friend of mine who is working here temporarily. Honeslty this is one of the most beautiful places I have every been too: endless green farmland, snow covered volcanoes and crystal blue lakes. Oh yeah and baby farm animals, a personal favorite of mine (Lindsay). Today we head to Puerto Montt to stay with Mari and Cami (two of our valpo friends who are there on vacation) and their families! I am super excited! More details and photos to come but for now a post-fiesta update!

Bottom was fun, crazy and filled with lots of meat, drink, and dancing. Friday we had a bbq at the girls' apartment where Sara and I fell in love with another classic chilean gut-buster: choripan-tasty chorizo on bread with pebre (kind of like salsa) and mayo.

That night we had super sweet front row seats to the fireworks in valpo at another friend's apartment that over looks the ocean and the very street where the fireworks were being set off. From the 23rd floor, it kind of felt like we were in the fireworks!?!

Saturday we went to a bbq in the small town of Limache which is about 45 minutes from Valpo. We ate even more sausages, beef and pork before heading off to a Ramada, which is essentially a giant carnival or country fair.
Sunday we went to the Ramada in Valpo, of which the highlight was drag show! Yessssss. Overall, the whole weekend was a sweet party during which we ate and drank too much but had a wonderful time!! The best pictures of our rackus bicennential can be found on Sara's facebook page, including my personal favorite pics of our chilean themed face and body painting. On my picasa or photo booth you can see the pictures from Monday´s bicentenial event - a navy parade and airshow!

We´ll be in the south for a few more days, head back to Valpo for Sara´s birhtday (SWEEETTTTT!!!!) and then we're off to Peru! We'll do a more complete post on the south in a few days!

Hugs and kisses to all!

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