Friday, January 14, 2011

getting out and about

It has been a good few weeks for me with lots of interesting stuff at work and a few beautiful hikes. Two weeks ago Sara and I went with two friends to see Wari, the ruins of a pre-Incan civilization that populated what is now the Ayacucho region. Aside from seeing artifacts, walls, and tunnels that date back over 1000 years, it was a wonderful escape from the city and a nice chance to enjoy the Andes scenery of this area. After hiking around the ruins we went to the town of Quinua for the
second time sinced we have lived in Ayacucho. Quinua is about 10 minutes up the highway from Wari and popular weekend destination for Ayacuchans. We walked around the scenic area near the obelisk, which was once the last battlefield in Latin America against the Spanish. We also visited a number of artesian markets as Quinua is known for its' handcrafts.

Last weekend I went back to the area, but this time for a more intense hike and more exclusive look at ancient Wari territory. A friend of mine took a few others and myself on a hike from a town called Pacaycasa up to the Wari ruins. We hiked through highland farms, climbed over a huge quartz mine and walked through currently unprotected Wari land. In fact, while walking along it is impossible not to find artifacts such as clay pieces of pottery, obsidian stones that were once part of arrowheads and tiny turquoise stones that were used in Wari jewlery. We saw some incredibly views of the mountains and once again, I was thrilled to be outside the city taking in the beautiful area in which I live. We also went to Quinua afterwards but this time to ride horses and hike to the famous waterfalls of Quinua, We ended up completely immersing ourselves under the freezing cold water of the waterfall. It was perhaps one of the best days I have
had yet in Peru.

Here are my pictures from that adventure!

Sara and Else didn’t come on this hike but instead had an amazing adventure of their own this past week. They traveled with FINCA out to the rural areas to take pictures and interview socias. Only one or two of us can go on such trips at a time and I recently started a new session of teaching English so it made more sense for them to go this time. I hope to go soon though because it sounds really amazing.

Much love from Peru! I miss you all!

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