In general, the holidays were nice though it was definitely strange and a little sad to be away from our families. We spent Christmas eve at our house with friends. We bought a roasted chicken and made some side dishes. At midnight, we went up to the roof of our apartment to see the spectacle of fireworks that occur all around Ayacucho. I would probably have been kind of scared to be down on the street but seeing them from above was pretty cool. We spend Christmas day at our friend Diana's grandpa's house with her and her family. They served us tasty friedfish, soup, and potatoes and then we spent the afternoon just chatting with herfamily and playing with Diana's 4-year old Theryus who is just a character. The pictures seen here from Christmas are Sara, Else and I with Diana and her grandpa and then one with Theryus. The Christmas tree is, well, Ayacucho's best attempt at a public christmas tree...
With AFLATOUN ending and new volunteers in the office, work has certainly changed for us in the past few weeks. While I continue to do KIVA interviews when I have time, we also have started a few new projects. For one, we are helping FINCA put together their memoria annual, which is essentially their yearly magazine/report. Our job is to take and collect pictures, write up text for a few of the pages, and collect testionies and quotes from socias and staff members. Perhaps the most exciting part for me is that we will get to travel a bit this month to the rural zones to collect pictures and stories. Viviana also asked us to start the next cycle of AFLATOUN which will begin sometime in March and teach until we leave Ayacucho. This means we have a lot of preparation to do such as lesson planning and putting together a more complete volunteer packet for future AFLATOUN teachers. Finally, I am started a few video projects which I will give more details on later, but I will say that I am loving it because it means I am now filiming bank meetings and interviewing socias on almost a daily basis.
If you go to my picasa picture page I have recently uploaded several new photo albums. My personal favorite are the pictures from the "enuentro de bancos rurales," which was an event for rural banks to come to FINCA for a banquet and to perform traditional dances and songs. They also had a contest showcasing their products (hand crafts, yogurts, agricultural products etc...) It was really beautiful and I learned a lot. Below is also a few videos of performances from that event.
Since one of my new years resolutions is to write more, you should be hearing from me soon!
Feliz Año Nuevo!